Welcome to Excellent Dutch: conversational skills on a solid base of pronunciation, grammar and spelling.
Excellent Dutch works from practice to theory ( "practice" meaning conversation and pronunciation, "theory" meaning grammar and spelling) instead of the other way around. From the first moment on, the lesson is directed towards the actual speaking and listening; after all language is sound in the first place. That's why Excellent Dutch's lessons are focused on CONVERSATION. In order to converse properly one needs to actually do it, to practise. We start from there.It is Excellent Dutch's experience that this works for any level, for absolute beginners as well as for advanced. For extended description of method(s) see : Method(s), Excellent Dutch..pdf
Now let's talk about you: what is your situation ?

I Want to learn Dutch, however there is insufficient time for me to study
Through the use of making intelligent connections between pronunciation, grammar and spelling and other unique learning techniques accelerating the learning process Excellent Dutch is ideal for those who have little time for home work. Besides, did you know that every English speaking person already has some knowledge of Dutch? Once you have become aware of the similarities, it's easier to go from there to the differences. Moreover, following courses through Skype will save you even more (traveling) time !
People in the Netherlands tend to switch to English if my Dutch is not fluent enough for them
Excellent Dutch will do a little coaching as well about how to practise Dutch in daily conversation, because it is not easy to learn to speak Dutch in Holland, as most people - as soon as they notice you are foreigner - will direct to you in any other language but Dutch. How to engage and evolve in daily Dutch conversation will be part of home-work exercise.
I have no one available to talk Dutch to, not even in my private or professional environment
ED can provide 1 on 1 lessons with pure conversational training on request.
I need to learn Dutch urgently within short term for professional or other purposes, f.e. residence-permit related
Aside from accelerated learning as described above, ED provides intensive courses especially designed to learn Dutch within a short term.
It is required for me to pass the NT I, NT II or inburgerings-exam
ED has a significantly hich success rate with these types of courses:
NT II: 72 % of ED students succeeded in previous year
NT I: 76 % of ED students succeeded in previous year
Inburgeringsexamen: 80 % of ED students succeeded in previous year
You too can benefit from these succes-rates maintained for over a decade and enhance your chance on passing the exam even further.
It is difficult for me to schedule on regular times or days in the week
Through flexible scheduling Excellent Dutch is ideal for those who have little time for home work and - due to a busy travelling schedule - can't keep the pace of a regular course. moreover, online lessons through Skype provide even more time-efficiency.
Pronunciation of Dutch is especially difficult to me due to the difference with my native language
As mentioned, from the first moment on the lesson is directed towards the actual speaking and listening; after all language is sound in the first place. Since pronunciation is so crucial in learning Dutch, ED pays special attention using both fysiological insights and visual explanations, enabling you to pronounce correctly.
Courses have not been effective so far due to too many students /lack of individual attention: as a result I still don't engage in Dutch conversation (!)
Excellent Dutch works from practice to theory ("practice" meaning conversation and pronunciation, "theory" meaning grammar and spelling) instead of the other way around. From the first moment on, the lesson is directed towards the actual speaking and listening. Also, individual courses provide you with -obviously- more than sufficient individual attention.
A Dutch course might be too expensive for me at the moment
You will benifit from engaging in dutch conversation both professionally and socially, your investment in the language will be rewarded with better job opportunities and a larger network within the Netherlands enabling you to make your residence a prosperous and pleasant experience. Apart from these benefits, the financial investment is often not nearly is high as you might perceive it to be in advance, especially if you contact us to find a solution that fits your specific situation. New types of courses less expensive might also lower the obstacle, f.e. group-lessons online. See also pricing.
Teacher can't fall back on English in order to explain in between conversations
ED uses English as main intermediate language, other languages are used as well in between conversational practice.
The proces of learning dutch is difficult and slow, I wish it would be easier !
Through making intelligent connections between pronunciation, grammar and spelling and other unique learning techniques accelerating the learning process Excellent Dutch is ideal for those who have little time for home work. Besides, did you know that every English speaking person already has some knowledge of Dutch? Once you have become aware of the similarities, it's easier to go from there to the differences.
Being very visually oriented, I hope my Dutch course will comply to me
Everyone is different, being visually oriented can have its advantages. ED uses very visual explanation f.e. on pronunciation. On the other hand since language is after all sound, it might be a pleasant surprise to discover more auditive ways of learning. Nevertheless, even in the online courses visual communication is pursued throughout the lesson.
I wonder if Excellent Dutch is for me
Excellent Dutch is meant for all students without exception who are prepared to participate actively in all parts of the lessons, have an open mind to the teachers suggestions and who are interested in finding out about where they really stand regarding their Dutch skills in order to really be able to make a quantum-leap forward !
This could apply for :
- any level
- adults and children
- companies
- private clients
- improving daily life conversation
- preparing for the examinations NT II and Inburgering
- professional purposes and studies
I have a different situation or encounter a different obstacle in learning to speak Dutch
Please feel free to ask your question preferrably by phone: most probably I can provide a solution for your specific situation